Monitoring and Observability

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Looking Backward to Look Forward

“Whoever wishes to foresee the future must consult the past” -unspecified “wise men” quoted by Niccolò Machiavelli With so many articles out there telling me how SDN will change the…

How to Explain Virtualization to Newbies

In the world of enterprise architecture, many parts of our daily conversations are taken for granted. We talk about virtualization, vMotion®, Storage vMotion, Replication, IOPS, and so very many other…

Monitoring: How and Why We Do It

Monitoring is a lot of work. A monitoring system is a service unto itself, and like other applications it needs care, feeding, configuration, databases, DBAs, patching, and maintenance. Though it…

The Premise of Premises: All Clouds Are Not Created Equal

There’s a common misconception in the IT industry. This misconception stems from the premise that the premises of your infrastructure will either be more expensive or less expensive based on its…

A Look into the Pi-Shaped Expert Model

So you’ve started planning your career using a VCDX skillset. Continuing on that same train of thought, I want to walk you through an additional concept that might help you…

Are You Getting Full Benefit of your IT Monitoring Tools?

I think we’ve all had that moment at 3:00 a.m. over the weekend when we wish our monitoring and management systems would just shut up. The UPS in rack 4’s…

Learning to Pivot

The role of information technology inside of corporations is not new; it has existed for decades. With each passing year we see acceleration in the speed and complexity of changes…

Playing Operation with Systems

We live in a hectic world of day-to-day operations and aggressive business requirements that must be facilitated and made possible by IT — often in a vacuum. And we do…

Four Ways Your Network Could Change in Four Years

While network administrators are used to keeping the lights on, the time is approaching for a major change in the way networks look and run. While SDN is still in…

Why You Still Need Network Alerts

Retracing an intractable alert hairball today, I’m reminded of how critical, and often critically broken, alerting actually is in many environments. You can be a department of one with only…