work from home

Tag: work from home

Distributed Computing – When Everyone Is Working From Home

We’ve officially made it past day 100 in quarantine. I hope you’ve found your groove, perfected your at-home office/workspace, learned a new language, tested six new bread recipes, and launched…

Hunting and Gathering in the Age of COVID

Collecting knowledge is a large part of everyday conversations. Contributing knowledge to a conversation keeps it going and allows individuals to learn new information, debate their current knowledge, and even…

Becoming Your Family’s IT Support

Have you gotten the call/email/text yet? You know, the one where your mom tells you the printer is making a weird noise. Normally you’d reassure your mom it’s probably a…

Geeking Out With Your Kids—Taking Advantage of Opportunity

In my last post, I talked about what I implemented at home to deal with WFH full-time while my son is also distance learning full-time. By being trapped together by…

Powering Business Operations Through “Work From Home” — SolarWinds TechPod 026

As COVID-19 forces employees out of the office in masses, many IT departments have been tasked with keeping productivity high and entire organizations operational. How are IT leaders preparing, both…

This Single Mom’s Take on Kids Distance Learning While You WFH

Setting the scene: I’m a nine-year veteran full-time WFH employee, I have a 10-year-old boy, I have a great relationship with my son’s other parents, and a puppy (that we…