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Postgres EXPLAIN Explained

ICYMI - Presentation by Baron Schwartz at PostgresConf 

We had a great time at PostgresConf 2019 in New York City! The 8th annual PostgresConf is the largest and the most diverse meeting of Postgres professionals and companies in the world. The Postgres Conference conveys the preeminent “People, Postgres and Data” experience. postgres-2019-web

The highlight was definitely when a standing-room-only crowd joined Baron Schwartz to hear his presentation on Postgres EXPLAIN (Thursday, 21 March).

Everything You Need to Know About PostgreSQL EXPLAIN

Presented by Baron Schwartz Does EXPLAIN confuse you? You're not alone. This session will help you understand what EXPLAIN output means, how to interpret it, what's good/bad in a given EXPLAIN plan, and how to change queries, indexes, or schema to get better query execution plans. Learn:
  • What is EXPLAIN?
  • Why do you need it?
  • What does the output mean?
  • What matters most?
  • What tools can help you?
  • Where can you learn more?
Baron has written a lot of open source software, and several books including High Performance MySQL. He’s focused his career on learning and teaching about scalability, performance, and observability of systems generally (including the view that teams are systems and culture influences their performance), and databases specifically.
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