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Automated Compliance — SolarWinds TechPod 016

Destiny Bertucci and Eric Hodeen discuss SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager and the benefits of automated compliance. Related Links SolarWinds Network Configuration Manager Getting Started with Network Configuration Manager – Video…

Monitoring as a Strategy — SolarWinds TechPod 015

Host Alex Navarro sits down with SolarWinds® Head Geek™ Sascha Giese to discuss how network monitoring as a strategy can take any organization to the next level by saving both…

How to Survive an M&A — SolarWinds TechPod 014

Host Alex Navarro discusses how to survive and thrive before, during, and after an acquisition with the organizer in chief of Gestalt IT’s Tech Field Day, Stephen Foskett and SolarWinds…

Women in Tech, Upskilling, and Cloud Strategy — SolarWinds TechPod 013

Phoummala Schmitt opens up to host Alex Navarro about the unconventional career path that led her to becoming a Microsoft advocate. Listen in as they discuss taking control of your…

Email Security — SolarWinds TechPod 012

Email security. Do a Google search and you’ll find it’s one of the biggest concerns facing businesses today. Join Ashley Bono, SolarWinds MSP Product Marketing Manager, and N-able Mail Assure…

Overcoming Security Objections — SolarWinds TechPod 011

It’s time for MSPs to have better security conversations with their customers—and SolarWinds VP of security Tim Brown and SolarWinds MSP senior channel sales specialist Stefanie Hammond know just how…

Frankenbackup — SolarWinds TechPod 010

Old backup technologies never really die. In fact, they tend to grow, patching on new products and types of media until a company’s backup solution becomes a cobbled together “frankenbackup”…

Security Theater, Shadow IT, and Insider Threats — SolarWinds TechPod 009

Host Alex Navarro is joined by two VPs of product strategy, Mav Turner and Brandon Shopp, to discuss which security issues, solutions, and strategies are trending topics of conversation at this year’s…

Training for the Future — SolarWinds TechPod 008

Host Alex Navarro discusses what skills tech pros can develop now to position themselves, and the organizations they serve, for future success with Head Geek Leon Adato and Cal Smith…

Managing People, Not Devices — SolarWinds TechPod 007

For managed services providers (MSPs), reactive services came first. Then device management. And, now, it’s time to talk about managing people. Join David Weeks, SolarWinds MSP director of sales, and…

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