- Everything will move to the cloud; on-premises is dead.
- You don’t need tape for backups anymore.
- Hyper-converged infrastructure will replace all your traditional three-tier architectures.
- Flash storage will replace spinning disk.
IT Pros: How to Know When You’ve Jumped on the Hype Train
July 12, 2019
Monitoring and Observability

All aboard the hype train—departing soon!
I think most people love to have the latest and greatest thing. Lines outside of Apple stores waiting for each new product is proof enough.
I’m terrible for it myself, like a magpie drawn to a shiny object. If something is new and exciting, I tend to want to check it out. And it doesn’t just apply to tech products, either. I like to read up about new cars as well… but I digress.
So, what’s the purpose of my article here? HYPE! Hype is the bane of anyone’s life whose job it is to identify if a new tech product has any substance to it. I want to try to help identify if you’re looking at marketing hype or something potentially useful.
Does any of this sound familiar?