The Best Way to Prepare for Emerging Technologies
October 1, 2019

Exciting new technologies like artificial intelligence, blockchain, and the Internet of Things are dominating news cycles, but are they dominating federal IT environments? Maybe not.
According to the latest SolarWinds® IT Trends Report, emerging technology may be more of a pain than a benefit. Public sector IT managers in North America, the U.K., and Germany said they believe they’re currently ill-equipped to manage AI and blockchain with their current skillsets. Meanwhile, these same managers believe they need more training on the cloud and hybrid IT, established technologies we all seem to take for granted.
What’s going on here?
For many agencies, AI and blockchain are not yet considered essential. Agencies aren’t heavily investing in AI training, and managers don’t have the time or inclination to teach themselves about the tools.
On the other hand, survey respondents said they expected cloud and hybrid IT to be the most important technologies to learn about over the next three to five years. They also noted developing skills to manage hybrid IT environments has been one of their top priorities over the past 12 months. This indicates the importance of the cloud and hybrid IT for their organizations.
Managers want to learn, but it’s hard to do when they’re also trying to migrate legacy applications to the cloud. The migration process takes time and juggling new projects while also trying to “keep the lights on” will always be a challenge.
Still, respondents listed “technology innovation” as their top career development goal over the next three to five years. How can they achieve this goal with so many obstacles seemingly in their way?