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Keith Townsend

Principal, CTO Advisor

Keith Townsend is a technology management consultant with more than 20 years of related experience designing, implementing, and managing data center technologies. He holds a BA in computing and a MS in information technology from DePaul University.

Posts Featuring Keith Townsend

How Can a Transformational Leadership Style Benefit IT?

It’s been twenty years since the corporate scandals of Enron, WorldCom, and Tyco. The collapse of these giant corporations ruined the lives of the employees who tirelessly worked for leaders…

SolarWinds IT Trends Report Insights With Keith Townsend — SolarWinds TechPod 027

The SolarWinds® IT Trends Report 2020 explores the evolving role of technology in business and the tech pros in charge of driving business performance. This year shows there’s less focus on emerging technologies…