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Dropped Packets with Phoummala Schmitt — SolarWinds TechPod 004

Host Alex Navarro visits with Phoummala Schmitt; Microsoft advocate, engineer, messaging and collaboration specialist, and “mom.” Listen in while @ExchangeGoddess has a frank and candid conversation covering origin stories, the IT journey,…

Dropped Packets with Stephen Foskett — SolarWinds TechPod 003

Listen in on a candid conversation with Stephen Foskett, a fixture in the world of enterprise information technology, longtime voice in the storage industry, and organizer-in-chief of Gestalt IT’s Tech…

Automation, End Users, and Industry Trends — SolarWinds TechPod 002

This episode of SolarWinds TechPod features Stephen Foskett, discussing his takeaways from Gestalt IT’s Tech Field Day Austin event, including behind-the-scenes insight into what it takes to be selected as a Tech Field Day…

Migrating to the Cloud — SolarWinds TechPod 001

With SolarWinds, IT pros are discovering a smarter way to manage apps, servers, databases, and hybrid clouds. The shift starts here. It can be a struggle to find the right…

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