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New User Security and Compliance Enhancements with RBAC and SSO

We’re thrilled to announce a brand new set of capabilities available in VividCortex that address an ongoing challenge for users, and engineering and application team managers alike – provisioning and managing users. While users have come to expect powerful database monitoring insights and visibility from VividCortex, we’re now matching those high standards in how we meet the needs of enterprises in compliance, security, and user management. Locks Img.jpeg Starting this week, VividCortex Enterprise subscribers will have complete Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and Single-Sign On (SSO) capabilities to automate user provisioning and management. We’ve heard from our customers that they’ve achieved a lot with VividCortex’s performance management, but they’ve also told us that adding new users and assigning users to specific roles needed to be "enterprise-class.” The message came through loud and clear, and we have responded with powerful yet easy-to-use role-based access controls, and industry standard SAML-based SSO. With this next release of VividCortex, users won’t have to deal with yet another login and password to remember, and team managers can take solace in the fact that user management is automated and security is enhanced through more granular controls.

Role-Based Access Control

With Role-Based Access Control, you can create teams, assign users to those teams, and grant roles and permissions (“read-only” and “read-write”) to those team members, based on the users’ specific responsibilities within VividCortex. Here are a few examples of what it might look like for an organization:
  • Tier I support can be assigned Read-Only access to an environment--either staging or in production--only able to view reports and access non-sensitive data in the environment.  
  • Developers with Read-Write access can update host credentials, add new hosts, access Query Samples or API tokens.
  • IT and engineering managers with Administrator privileges will have full access to all tools, settings, and users accounts.
Administrators also have the flexibility to assign a role to a team or an environment.  By assigning a role to a team, the admin defines the default privileges for that particular team.  When assigning a role to an environment-team couple, Admins can grant different privileges per environment to a team. For example, if a team of “Developers” has access to both “Production” and “Staging” environments, the administrator can grant full read-write access to the “Staging” environment, but read-only access to the “Production” environment. Admins will now be able to easily keep track of users to ensure they have the appropriate access, making your more security-minded colleagues happy and policy compliance a snap.

Single Sign-On (SSO)

Our customers are looking for easy user activation, automatic authentication, and self-service admin capabilities, and integrating VividCortex with your identity provider of choice is easy. SSO makes user provisioning simple and elegant.  IT shops can use their existing identity management system, and users get to use their existing credentials to access VividCortex.   Through a single identity provider, Admins can access the following functions for SSO user provisioning:
  • Import users. New users created in VividCortex can be downloaded and matched against existing users.
  • Create users.  New users created using the identity provider are automatically created in the VividCortex application.
  • Update user attributes. Updates made to the users’ profiles through the identity provider will be pushed to the VividCortex application.
  • Deactivate users. Deactivating the user through the identity provider will remove the user from the organization and all teams in the VividCortex application.
Setting up your identity provider is easy—you simply add VividCortex as an application to your account via and click through the setup wizard begin provisioning users.    VividCortex uses SAML 2.0, so our implementation of SSO integrates easily with any identity management provider that supports this protocol. By automating user access and management, improving compliance and security and increasing team productivity, we think our enterprise customers will find a lot to like. After all, we don’t want you to be bogged down with user management hassles – we want you focused on running the most efficient systems and businesses possible! To learn more about VividCortex’s RBAC and SSO features and its database performance management solutions, check out this data sheet and watch a quick demo video, illustrating the new capabilities in action. Want to try out VividCortex to see how it works for you and your organization? Get started with a free trial.
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