About Us > Christopher Kusek
Image of blog author Christopher Kusek

Christopher Kusek

Christopher Kusek is Xiologix’s CTO and manages the engineering organization. He and his team evaluate clients’ business and technical requirements and architect solutions that meet the clients’ tactical and strategic goals. Prior to Xiologix, Christopher spent three years at EMC where he was the Global Lead for Cloud and Virtualization. In this position, he was focused on the company’s relationship and integration with VMware, VCE, Storage, and Cloud Services. Christopher was also responsible for Product Management, Marketing, and Sales. Before that, he worked at NetApp as a Technology Evangelist and Principal Consultant responsible for pre-sales and post-sales hybrid consulting engagements surrounding virtualization, storage, Microsoft, and security solutions. Most recently, Christopher has returned from spending the past two years responsible for theater wide infrastructure operations for the war effort in Afghanistan. He is connected to current and future trends; a strategist who comprehends complex business and technology problems uses his organization and leadership skills to solve them. An industry-recognized expert, Christopher is an EMC Elect and VMware vExpert, while also an accomplished speaker and author with five books published. With over 20 years of industry experience spent focused on creating innovative business solutions, Christopher’s expertise is integral to Xiologix’s ability to lead its clients to the right solution for their business.

Posts Featuring Christopher Kusek

Machine Artificial Intelligence Learning, or You’ve Got MAIL

Welcome to the last in this series of posts about machine learning, artificial intelligence, and so many other topical points of discussion. If this is your first time here, feel…

Can Tesla Cure the 10th Leading Cause of Death in the World With Autonomous Vehicles?

Are you excited for this post? I certainly know I am! If this is the first article you’re seeing of mine and you haven’t read my prior article, “Why Businesses…

Why Businesses Don’t Want Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence

Did you come here hoping to read a summary of the past 5+ years of my research on self-driving, autonomous vehicles, Tesla, and TNC businesses? Well, you’re in luck… that’s…

Machine Learning and Destroying the Library of Alexandria

In my last post, you may have noticed I mentioned “evil” four times, but also mentioned “good” four times. Well, you’re in luck. After all that talk about evil and ethics, I want…

Does Data Have Ethics? Data Ethic Issues and Machine Learning

Welcome to part one in a five-part series on machine learning and artificial intelligence. I figured what better place to start than in the highly contested world of ethics? You…

The Premise of Premises: All Clouds Are Not Created Equal

There’s a common misconception in the IT industry. This misconception stems from the premise that the premises of your infrastructure will either be more expensive or less expensive based on its…

Playing Operation with Systems

We live in a hectic world of day-to-day operations and aggressive business requirements that must be facilitated and made possible by IT — often in a vacuum. And we do…