- A full security-driven cloud infrastructure change to separate our highly sensitive environments from other environments
- The deployment of Intruder Detection and client MDM solutions
- Security awareness training for employees and specific OWASP training for all engineers
- Monthly Internet vulnerability testing
- A variety of dedicated third-party penetration tests
Committed To Security: SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor and SOC 2 Type 1
December 13, 2017

Security has always been a priority at SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM), and we have architected and built our product for security from the beginning, frequently conducting exercises such as third-party penetration tests and code reviews. We are pleased to announce that SolarWinds DPM has successfully completed SOC 2 Type I certification. The report comes after an intensive (and completely successful) auditing process, and is tangible and transparent proof of our commitment to customer protection.
SOC 2 compliance is neither an easy process nor a useless one. Most of us have worked in companies that were subject to various types of security requirements. What we like most about SOC 2 is that it’s sensible and legitimate: the requirements are both common sense and rigorous types of things you must do to actually be secure. SOC 2 Type 1 attests that the SolarWinds DPM controls were designed and implemented to meet the criteria for Security, Availability, Processing Integrity and Confidentiality.
SolarWinds has a dedicated security team, but security involves literally every person at the company. Our security program follows a Risk Management framework, reports directly to the CEO, and is reportable to the board of directors.
SOC 2 compliance is just one of several security-related initiatives SolarWinds DPM has completed this year. Other initiatives SolarWinds DPM has undertaken include: