- Quickly test new versions - One of the challenges with configuration management tools is keeping up with the release cycle of the software. Utilizing a managed solution enables IT teams to quickly spin up a configuration management server and rapidly test new features with little hassle.
- Simplify upgrades - Once a new version of the configuration management tool has been tested and deemed production ready then the process of upgrading the server infrastructure begins. This requires a considerable amount of time and effort from the engineer. With a fully managed solution all of that time and effort is given back to the engineers.
- Enable isolated automation development environments - The ability to provision a production like environment along with the configuration management platform gives automation engineers an isolated environment to test their automation changes with a greater assurance that it won't break a shared environment.
- Scalable - Building the configuration management infrastructure that scales properly as the environment reaches thousands and tens of thousands of nodes is incredibly complex and makes things like upgrades that much more painful. The ability to utilize a single solution for ten nodes or ten thousand nodes is incredibly valuable.
Cloud Native Operational Solutions - Configuration Management
May 17, 2018

One of the biggest draws of the public cloud includes services like managed Kubernetes or server-less functions. Managed services like these enable IT organizations to consume higher-level services, which allow the IT organization to focus their efforts on opportunities to create business value from technology. Configuration management tools like Chef, Puppet, and Ansible are central to modern cloud deployments. These tools enable an automated and consistent configuration of instances. This allows administrators to utilize cloud-native practices like immutable infrastructure, in which instances or servers are treated as low-value objects that can be easily recreated, as opposed to long-living servers that are carefully maintained.
Each of the popular configuration management tools utilize a server/agent construct in which the agent or node is managed by the configuration management server and pulls its configuration from the server. This introduces long living infrastructure in the form of the configuration management servers that must be maintained. Creating automation cookbooks or modules is challenging enough without having to provision and maintain the infrastructure required to facilitate the automation.
The benefits of managed configuration management are: