We’re huge fans of the Go language and its database access library, database/sql. As you’ve probably seen firsthand, the surface area of database/sql is pretty small, but there’s a lot…
It’s not always obvious what makes one database type distinct from another. What are the most significant ways Amazon Aurora is different from MySQL? Clear separators aren’t always featured or…
Preetam Jinka published a post on his personal blog examining how his engineering team had overcome a problem with MySQL replication by using a new parallelization policy introduced in MySQL…
In this post, we analyze some performance issues we recently fixed in our web app common in AngularJS apps. We also discuss the tools we used to find and diagnose…
In 2016, we published our eBook Everything You Need to Know About Queueing Theory, and as part of its launch, we blogged about one way (of the many) queueing theory…
Let’s take a look at a great real-world example that effectively illustrates how queuing theory can be unintuitive even in situations that seem simple. A recent BBC report reveals researchers’…
The sort buffer, which is controlled by the sort_buffer_size setting, is probably one of the most-discussed MySQL settings. Interestingly, in many cases it has a lot less potential to help…
Optimizing MySQL performance requires the ability to inspect production query traffic. If you’re not seeing your application’s production workload, you’re missing a vital part of the picture. In particular, there…
Statistical Process Control (SPC), or using numbers or data to study the characteristics of our process to make it behave the way we want it to behave, has been around…