
Tag: containers

What Are Microservices? Advantages and Examples

As enterprise applications changed over time to serve different business needs and computer systems evolved from the monolithic architecture of mainframes into client-server and distributed systems, mechanisms for communications between…

Two Keys to Delivering Exceptional Citizen Experiences

Delivering a good customer experience to citizens isn’t just preferable, but necessary if federal, state, and local agencies are to achieve their public service objectives. The pandemic caused disruption among…

Monitoring Challenges Emerge as Agencies Embrace Container Technology

Container technology is catching on big-time in the federal government as agencies such as the USDA and the National Institutes of Health look to containers to simplify software development and…

Monitoring Tips for Your Container Environment

Containers are here to stay. According to the SolarWinds 2019 IT Trends Report, 41% of federal and public sector survey respondents ranked containers as a top technology priority over the…

Old Tech, New Name?

The marketing machines of today often paint new technologies to suggest they’re the best thing since sliced bread. Sometimes though, the new products are just a rehash of an existing…

2020 Vision—What Does the Future Hold for DevOps?

2019 was busy year for DevOps as measured by the events held on the topic. Whether it be DevOps days around the globe, DockerCon, DevOps Enterprise Summits, KubeCon, or CloudNativeCon,…

Say Kubernetes One More Time, I Dare You

Introduction OK, so the title is hardly original, apologies. But it does highlight the buzz for Kubernetes still out there not showing any signs of going away anytime soon. Let’s…

21st Century Application Development

There’s a revolution underway with application deployment, and you may or may not be aware of it. We’re seeing a move by businesses to adopt technology the large public cloud…

2019: The Year of Meshing Around and Creating Chaos

It’s that time of year again—the time to reflect on the past year and anticipate the year ahead. For a number of years now, organizations of all sizes have been…

Surviving and Thriving in the Ephemeral World of Containers and Functions

With containers, microservices, and FaaS becoming even more integrated into hybrid and cloud environments, you must remain diligent to make sure you’re navigating these aspects of the modern app development…