
Tag: cybersecurity

Proactive Security Strategy for the Public Sector (10 Steps, Part Two)

In the first of these two articles, we covered the first five steps public sector organizations should take to change how they think about their cybersecurity to overcome this challenge.…

Proactive Security Strategy for the Public Sector (10 Steps, Part One)

The U.K. public sector holds some of the most important and sensitive data in the country, from private medical records to military intelligence. Consistently protecting this data is a major…

Security Operations and IT Operations — Better Together— SolarWinds TechPod 030

Security operations and IT operations have a lot of differences, but more similarities than you may think, especially as their worlds are merging more quickly than ever before. This presentation will delve into research driven…

Breach Data Trends: October 2019 to March 2020

Most of us have no idea if our credentials are out in the wild, for bad actors to take and use for malicious intent. Unfortunately, they often are. Since October…

Solving the Contractor Breach Challenge

Federal IT pros are having more success tackling cybersecurity challenges within their agencies. However, there’s still much work to be done when it comes to solving the security challenges posed…

Assessing Risk – The Key to IT Security — SolarWinds TechPod 023

When it comes to IT security, it can feel overwhelming. What needs securing and at what level? How do you prioritize? But when considering risk, this is very different conversation.…

Careless and Malicious Insider Threats Are on the Rise Despite Better Detection

According to a 2019 Federal Cybersecurity Survey released last year by IT management software company SolarWinds, careless and malicious insiders topped the list of security threats for federal agencies. Yet,…

New Laws Alone Won’t Be Enough to Secure IoT Devices

Security concerns over the Internet of Things (IoT) are growing, and federal and state lawmakers are taking action. First, the U.S. Senate introduced the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act…

Three Ways the Department of Defense Can Plug Security Holes

An early 2019 report from the Defense Department Officer of Inspector General revealed how difficult it’s been for federal agencies to stem the tide of cybersecurity threats. Although the DoD…

Modernizing Security to Protect Next-Generation Federal Networks

As agencies across the federal government modernize their networks to include and accommodate the newest technologies such as cloud and the Internet of Things (IoT), federal IT professionals are faced…