
Tag: devops

Why Choosing a One-Size-Fits-All Solution Won’t Work

In my previous post, we talked about the CALMS framework as an introduction to DevOps, and how it’s more than just “DevOps tooling.” Yes, some of it is about automation…

Start Your DevOps Journey by Looking at the Value You Add

Starting with DevOps can be hard. Often, it’s not entirely clear why you’re getting on the DevOps train. Sometimes, it’s simply because it’s the new trendy thing to do. For…

The Progress and Growth of DevOps

DevOps practices are key to helping companies achieve optimal velocity and higher code quality. As tech pros, we know DevOps is not just a change of processes brought into IT…

Three Reasons SSO is DevOps’ Best Friend

Nearly 200—that’s how many passwords the average business user has according to an article in Security Magazine. When it comes to troubleshooting, having even just two logins is one too…

The DevOps Slide: Shift to the Left

A culture of collaborative and continuous learning. Transparent knowledge sharing. Agile methods and automation as a means of accelerating innovation. Building good software. These are some of the core tenets…

Expanding Observability to Help DevOps Live Up to New Expectations

DevOps has grown from being seen as simply a supporting function to becoming an extremely value core part of the business which drives growth. As a result of this noticeably…

Making Dev + Ops Possible with Log Management

You know how the saying goes—you can’t optimize what you can’t measure, and you can’t measure what you can’t monitor. Perhaps this isn’t a time-tested proverb just yet, but it…

Think You Don’t Need User Experience Monitoring? Think Again.

Unless your user is actually experiencing a service or website as it’s meant to be experienced, it doesn’t matter if your monitoring tool says it’s up or down. These are…

Monitoring, Tracing, and Observability: Choose Two?

While it’s inevitable that new technologies usually create new business opportunities, they also often create new problems for IT pros to solve. It’s a natural cycle for operations with which…

Assessing the Need for Cloud Certifications

As the demand for cloud continues to grow, so does the demand for hiring the best engineers who understand how to manage and leverage public cloud services. Earlier this month,…