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ITSM And Digital Transformation - Understanding Digital Transformation

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ITSM and Organizational Digital Transformation

The future is now, and that means IT digital transformation is effectively upon us. But if you’re in IT service and you’re thinking something along the lines of – that sounds great and all, but what exactly is digital transformation? and furthermore, what’s so important about it and how do I go about making it happen? – then you’re in very good company. For all the contemporary talk about digital transformation and how it’s happening all around us, it can be maddening, trying to get your head wrapped around what it actually is and how to accomplish it. In this post, we will take a look at the ongoing IT digital transformation trend and what it means for IT service now and in the near future. We’ll also look at why it’s important and how to prepare for and deliver IT digital transformation through the implementation of AI and machine learning, as well as through other means.

Understanding IT Digital Transformation and Its Importance to IT Service

One of the inherently problematic issues with the term “IT digital transformation” is the fact that it’s broad enough that it can (and often does) mean different things in different business contexts. The organization that you’re a part of, your IT department, even your individual team, is at least somewhat unique in its mission, values, and long and short-term goals. Because of this, IT digital transformation can also be something that you adapt to your unique situation. Attempting to use another organization’s definition or implementation strategy will always be less than ideal. Instead, consider beginning by examining your own organization’s IT maturity, goals, and available digital options. Digital transformation can and should impact your entire organization and will require buy-in across the organization if it’s to be optimally effective. It may begin and end with IT, but it will require non-technological elements to effectively implement as well.

Preparing for and Delivering Digital Transformation

For many organizations, the first step in preparing for IT digital transformation is attaining buy-in from leadership. Depending on your organization, this may require careful analysis of the current pain points, opportunities, and looming threats that may motivate those outside of IT, if they just don’t get it. As mentioned above, this analysis should be done with the organization’s business goals in mind. Unfortunately, in many organizations, IT can suffer from the perception that it’s a tool to be used to accomplish the goals of the organization without being an integral part of the organization. As if it’s a service extraneous to the business. But in order for digital transformation to be most effective, this mindset needs to be changed. Thankfully, changing the mindset of such an organization can be a part of an overall digital transformation strategy. The point is that there is no one-size-fits-all strategy for IT digital transformation, but it’s a necessary process that requires organization-wide preparation, motivation, and implementation. Components of it may be universal (they often include the implementation of AI and machine learning strategies to drive organizational objectives through the lens of IT, while capitalizing on the consumerization of technology), but every situation requires its own approach.

The Future Is Here

Digital transformation is an integral part of remaining vital as an organization and continuing to hit organizational targets both in terms of ITSM, but also, essentially, across the entire business. Taking stock of where your organization is in its relationship to the constantly evolving technology that enables and drives the business that you do, gaining the buy-in of leadership and across the organization, and designing and implementing a digital transformation strategy that addresses your objectives in light of your IT maturity and organizational goals will always be an ongoing process.
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Sarah Nielsen
Sarah Nielsen is a Manager, On-Boarding, ITSM, helping customers set up their service desk according to their organization's goals. She is also the resident Star…
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