
Latest Posts in Database

Cognitive Bias in IT Decision Making

Logic and objective thinking are hallmarks of any engineering field. IT design and troubleshooting are no exceptions. Computers and networks are systems of logic so we, as humans, have to…

The Impact Of Coupling On System Design

In system design, every technical decision can be seen as a series of trade-offs. If I choose to implement Technology A it will provide a positive outcome in one way,…

Assessing Database Health and Performance

Here is an interesting article from my colleague Joe Kim, in which he explores database health and performance. Part of the problem with managing databases is that many people consider…

Numeric Optimization in Golang With Nelder-Mead and Gonum

Numeric optimization is a set of techniques for fitting a function to a dataset by iteratively refining estimates. Numeric optimization is one way to do things like curve-fitting and parametric…

Disaster Recovery – Time To Create Our Plan!

Thus far, we have gone over how to classify our disasters and how to have some of those difficult conversations with our organization regarding Disaster Recovery (DR). We’ve also briefly…

Announcement: p99 Percentile Metrics

I’m pleased to announce that SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM) offers 99th percentile metrics to help understand latency outliers in a query workload. These metrics provide visibility beyond the average…

How To Buy Software 2018

Buying software solutions for your company is a skill just like any other business practice. To be effective at purchasing it is necessary to have a clear understanding of what…

Traveling With Joy

Recently, two people I respect very much tweeted about travel, and how to remain positive and grateful while you do it. You can read those tweets (here) and (here). When…

Business Continuity – DR Is Really just a Piece of a Much Bigger Cake!

All too often, especially if disaster recovery (DR) is driven and pushed by the IT department, organizations can fall into the common mistake of assuming that they are “good to…

T-SQL Tuesday #99: Missing Indexes and Index Key Order

Welcome to the 99th edition of T-SQL Tuesday, hosted this month by friend (and coworker) Aaron Bertrand. We were given a choice and I decided to dive into Aaron’s Index…