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The Impact Of Coupling On System Design

In system design, every technical decision can be seen as a series of trade-offs. If I choose to implement Technology A it will provide a positive outcome in one way, but introduce new challenges that I wouldn’t have if I had chose Technology B. There are very few decisions in systems design that don’t come down to tradeoffs like this. This is the fundamental reason why we have multiple technology solutions that solve similar problem sets. One of the most common tradeoffs we see is in how tightly, or loosely, technologies and systems are coupled together.  While coupling is often a determining factor in many design decisions, many businesses aren’t directly considering the impact of coupling in their decision making process. In this article I want to step through this concept, defining what coupling is and why it matters when thinking about system design.

We should start with a definition. Generically, coupling is a term we use to indicate how interdependent individual components of a system are. A tightly coupled system will be highly interdependent, where a loosely coupled system will have components that run independent from each other. Let’s look at some of the characteristics of each.

Tightly coupled systems can be identified by the following characteristics:

  • Connections between components in the system are strong
  • Parts of the system are directly dependent on one another
  • A change in one area directly impacts other areas of the system
  • Efficiency is high across the entire system
  • Brittleness increases as complexity or components are added to the system
Loosely coupled systems can be identified by the following characteristics:
  • Connections between components in the system are weak
  • Parts within the system run independently of other parts within the system
  • A change in one area has little or no impact on other areas of the system
  • Sub-optimal levels of efficiency are common
  • Resiliency increases as components are added

So which is better?

Like all proper technology questions, the answer is “It depends!”  The reality is that technologies and architectures sit somewhere on the spectrum between completely loose and completely tight, with both having advantages and disadvantages.

When speaking of systems, efficiency is almost always something we’re concerned about so tight coupling seems like a logical direction to look. We want systems that act in a completely coordinated fashion, delivering value to the business with as little wasted effort or resources as possible. It’s a noble goal. However, we often have to solve for resiliency as well, which logically points to loosely coupled systems. Tightly coupled systems become brittle because every part is dependent on the other parts to function. If one part breaks, the rest are incapable of doing what they were intended to do. This is bad for resiliency.

This is better understood with an example, so let’s use DNS as a simple one.

Generally speaking, using DNS instead of directly referencing IP addresses gives efficiency and flexibility to your systems. It allows you to redirect traffic to different hosts at will by modifying a central DNS record rather than having to change an IP address reference in multiple locations. It also is a great central information repository on how to reach many devices on your network. We often recommend that applications should use DNS lookups, rather than direct IP address references, because of the additional value it provides. The downside is that this name reference now introduces a false dependency. Many of your applications can work perfectly fine without referring to DNS, but by introducing it into them you have tightened coupling between the DNS system and your application. An application which could previously run independently now depends on name resolution and your applications fails if DNS fails.

In this scenario you have a decision to make. Does the value and efficiency of adding DNS lookups to your application outweigh the deterrent of now needing both systems up and running for your application to work. You can see this is a very simple example, but as we begin layering technology, on top of technology, the coupling and dependencies can become both very strong and very hard to actually identify. I’m sure many of you have been in the situation where the failure of one seemingly unrelated system has impacted another system on your network. This is due to hidden coupling, interaction surfaces, and the law of unintended consequences.

To answer the question “Which is better?” again, there is no right answer. We need both. There are times where highly coordinated action is required. There are times when high levels of resilience is required. Most commonly we need both. When designing and deploying systems, coupling needs to be considered so you can mitigate the downsides of each while taking advantages of the positives they provide.

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Jordan Martin
Jordan Martin has worked in technology for over 15 years, specializing in enterprise and data center routing and switching. He currently works as a Technical…
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