
Latest Posts in Database

Monitoring, Analytics, Diagnostics, Observability, and Root Cause Analysis

Monitoring is a hopelessly overloaded term in tech culture. The term now carries decades of inaccurate and imprecise use. The result is that several people can be engaged in an…

My Life as IT Code: Part 5 – Walking the Wall

In this, my fifth and final post about life hacks, I’ll talk about the communication process, clarifications across all key personnel, and a big approach in how some of these…

The Unifying Force of Data

Someday, we may look back on IT as a subset of social science as much as a technological discipline. Because it sits at the intersection of business and technology, visibility…

My Life as IT Code: Part Four – Exercise and Sandbox

In previous posts in this “My Life” blog series, I’ve written quite a bit about the project management/on-task aspects of how I keep my focus and direction top of mind…

Hierarchical Observability with RED

I’ve written before about the minimal set of metrics that can serve effectively as application/service vital signs. One such set is the RED acronym, which stands for Request Rate, Request…

Monitor Your Citus Cluster With SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor

SolarWinds® Database Performance Monitor (DPM) has support for monitoring Citus, a scale-out solution for massively sharded data storage and processing using standard open-source PostgreSQL. Citus (previously known as CitusDB) layers…

Monitoring and Observability With USE and RED

Modern systems can emit thousands or millions of metrics, and modern monitoring tools can collect them all. Faced with such an abundance of data, it can be difficult to know…

Find Queries That Need Indexes With SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor

Queries can be slow or resource-heavy for many reasons, but one of the most common is that the table doesn’t have a good index for the query. This is true…

Monitoring Isn’t Observability

Observability is all the rage, an emerging term that’s trending up very quickly in certain circles even while it remains unknown in others. As such, there isn’t a single widely…