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Network Audits: What You Need to Know

If you work in an organization that is publicly traded, or you are subject to other government regulations, you will be required to perform a periodic network audit. Even if…

Path Monitoring In A World Of Overlays

I remember the simpler days. Back when our infrastructure all lived in one place, usually just in one room, and path monitoring could be as simple as walking in to…

Everyone Should Get Behind Modernizing Federal IT Networks

Modernizing legacy systems is back on the front burner. Here’s an interesting article from my colleague, Joe Kim, in which he reminds us not to forget about the network. The…

Extending IT Experience

Working in IT? Feeling lost given everything that’s going on in the industry? Are you confused about what to focus on and how to best apply your knowledge? If you…

Dungeon Mastering in IT (Part the Fourth)

Flood of Kobolds vs. Epic Boss Fight I had a group where I was running a dragon-themed adventure. Before you gasp and say mockingly, “In Dungeons & Dragons, there are…

Dungeon Mastering in IT (Part the Third)

Short-Circuiting your Adventure I’ve noted that preparation and planning are some of the hallmarks of both a good DM and IT professional, but sometimes planning gets short-circuited. In the past,…

Dungeon Mastering in IT (Part the Second)

This is the second post in a post that started in Part the First. CRIT! Unplanned Good/Bad Randomness is a part of life.  This has widespread areas of affect: from…

Dungeon Mastering in IT (Part the First)

So, here’s the first confession: I’m an über nerd.  I’ve been playing Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) since I was about 16 years old.  It was also about that time (possibly…

Finding and Predicting Hybrid IT Issues is like Finding a Needle in the Application Stack

Hybrid IT can create issues for IT operations. Here’s an article from my colleague, Mav Turner, that suggests ways to keep things running smoothly. Trying to find the root cause…

Resilient Internet Access: Important Factors when Provisioning Service

On modern enterprise networks, 100% uptime has become table stakes. Most organizations can no longer rely on a single circuit for internet connectivity. We look to carrier circuits for the…