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Ben Keen

Ben's love for computers started back in the 8-bit days and grew from there. After joining his current employer, he found himself working as the corporate monitoring engineer. Since then he has focused on how to manage the monitoring for a large business. With over 20 years in the industry, Ben's rounded understanding of networking, Windows, and Linux has allowed him the chance to bring that knowledge to the monitoring space.

Posts Featuring Ben Keen

How Data Meets Visualization — SolarWinds TechPod 065

When we think of alerts, we don’t necessarily think of them as things of beauty—until now. Join THWACK® Community Manager Ben Keen and Technical Content Manager Kevin M. Sparenberg in…

Getting to Know the New THWACK Community Manager — SolarWinds TechPod 064

The SolarWinds community, THWACK.com, has a new community manager. Ben Keen has been an active voice in the community for years as a THWACK MVP and has now decided to…