Home > Three Ways the Department of Defense Can Plug Security Holes

Three Ways the Department of Defense Can Plug Security Holes

An early 2019 report from the Defense Department Officer of Inspector General revealed how difficult it’s been for federal agencies to stem the tide of cybersecurity threats. Although the DoD has made significant progress toward bolstering its security posture, 266 cybersecurity vulnerabilities still existed. Most vulnerabilities have only been discovered within the past year—a sure sign of rising risk levels. The report cited several areas for improvement, including continuous monitoring and detection processes, security training, and more. Here are three strategies DOD can use to tackle those remaining 200-plus vulnerabilities.

1. Identify Existing Threats and Vulnerabilities

Identifying and addressing vulnerabilities will become more difficult as the number of devices and cloud-based applications on defense networks proliferates. Although government IT managers have gotten a handle on bring-your-own-device issues, undetected devices are still used on DoD networks. Scanning for applications and devices outside the control of IT is the first step toward plugging potential security holes. Apps like Dropbox and Google Drive may be great for productivity, but they could also expose the agency to risk if they’re not security hardened. The next step is to scan for hard-to-find vulnerabilities. The OIG report called out the need to improve “information protection processes and procedures.” Most vulnerabilities occur when configuration changes aren’t properly managed. Automatically scanning for configuration changes and regularly testing for vulnerabilities can help ensure employees follow the proper protocols and increase the department’s security posture.

2. Implement Continuous Monitoring, Both On-Premises and in the Cloud

While the OIG report specifically stated the DoD must continue to proactively monitor its networks, those networks are becoming increasingly dispersed. It’s no longer only about keeping an eye on in-house applications; it’s equally as important to be able to spot potential vulnerabilities in the cloud. DoD IT managers should go beyond traditional network monitoring and look more deeply into the cloud services they use. The ability to see the entire network, including destinations in the cloud, is critically important, especially as the DoD becomes more reliant on hosted service providers.

3. Establish Ongoing User Training and Education Programs

A well-trained user can be the best protection against vulnerabilities, making it important for the DoD to implement a regular training cadence for its employees. Training shouldn’t be relegated to the IT team alone. A recent study indicates insider threats pose some of the greatest risk to government networks. As such, all employees should be trained on the agency’s policies and procedures and encouraged to follow best practices to mitigate potential threats. The National Institute of Standards and Technology provides an excellent guide on how to implement an effective security training program. When it comes to cybersecurity, the DoD has made a great deal of progress, but there’s still room for improvement. By implementing these three best practices, the DoD can build off what it’s already accomplished and focus on improvements. Find the full article on Government Computer News.
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Brandon Shopp
Brandon Shopp is the vice president of product strategy for security, compliance, and tools at SolarWinds. He served as our director of product management since…
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