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Database Observability Provides the Features Customers Need for Effective Monitoring


I began working with database customers back in the day with VividCortex until it was purchased by SolarWinds. Since then, I’ve had the opportunity to work with tons of our database solution customers as an account manager and now lead our DPM renewals initiative. In these roles, I’ve helped our customers transition from VividCortex to Database Performance Monitor (DPM) and now migrate into Database Observability.

Over the years, customers have been happy with DPM or VividCortex as many of us still call it. It provides tons of features DBAs find helpful and crucial to their everyday workflow. But it also lacked many efficiencies customers were looking for. As a result, customers were piecing different Application, Logging, and Digital Experience monitoring solutions together to get the monitoring capabilities they desired – but never really achieving full-stack observability in one platform.

With the launch of Database Observability, I’m thrilled to say customers are seeing the features and efficiencies they wanted in the new product – enabling them to monitor their databases like never before.

Introducing Database Observability, the new generation of database monitoring

Database Observability, the newest performance capability suite inside the SolarWinds Observability platform, is built for the cloud, monitoring open-source, cloud-enabled, and NoSQL databases. This software as a solution helps to ensure performance by providing full visibility for every query for all major open-source databases. With SolarWinds Observability, you can identify critical issues, including those caused by complex dependencies between the database, operating system, and network, to deliver a high level of system operations and service delivery.

Key benefits of moving to Database Observability for DPM customers:

  • DPM pricing has long been outdated due to it being on +10yr old infrastructure. Database Observability is on a newly optimized infrastructure and has far more flexible pricing to meet customers where they are – empowering scalability like never before.
  • Platform features have improved, like more advanced Alerting, expanded Dashboarding, and an improved UI which enables quicker identification of issues and quicker issue resolution times.
  • Small teams can utilize Database Observability to help them gain full visibility into their database without tons of manpower or DBA expertise.
  • Customers using Datadog and/or New Relic in conjunction with DPM can now find all the tools they need in SolarWinds Observability by leveraging Database Observability and our APM entity.

Features are the best feature of Database Observability

Customers tell me they love the number of features available with Database Observability the most. Because it is built on the SolarWinds Observability Platform, Database Observability, and other tools are easy to try, adopt, and adapt to their needs. Like SolarWinds Observability, Database Observability supports proactive action by database pros, helping them sniff out issues before they arise and impact the end user.

With Database Observability your team can:

  • Experience a unified view of all your database types and servers to understand overall health
  • Query-level monitoring of your database workloads
  • Track query changes over time and compare time-specific ranges

Database performance often presents some of the most complex problems in an IT strategy. We know database professionals are difficult to hire and retain, and the issues are difficult to diagnose and fix. I am excited to have the opportunity to help customers uncover database implications as they deploy new code and discover the root causes of performance issues by adopting Database Observability.

With SolarWinds Observability, you can identify critical issues, even those caused by complex dependencies between the database, operating system, and network, to deliver a high level of system operations and service delivery. To learn more, check out Database Observability.

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Lori Gagnon
I joined VividCortex back in 2019 as a BDR and then began working with our customers as an account manager. After being acquired by SolarWinds…
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