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Becky Elliott

Becky is a proven problem solver with a passion for automating and streamlining processes. She has fifteen years of experience in information technology in a variety of positions from System Administration – Web Development. Her primary tech interests include NetApp, VMware, and PowerShell.

Posts Featuring Becky Elliott

Information Security: Defense-in-Depth Style

Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve reached the fifth and final post of this information security in hybrid IT series. I hope you’ve found as much value in these posts as I have…

Logs, Logs, and More Logs: Why You Need SIEM and How to Make It More Effective

Four score and one post ago, we talked about Baltimore’s beleaguered IT department, which is in the throes of a ransomware-related recovery. Complicating the recovery mission is the fact that…

The Story Patching Tells

In post #3 of this information security series, let’s cover one of the essential components in an organization’s defense strategy: their approach to patching systems. Everywhere an Attack When did…

The Weakest (Security) Link Might Be You

In the second post in this information security in a hybrid IT world series, let’s cover the best-designed security controls and measures, which are no match for the human element.…

When “Trust but Verify” Isn’t Enough: Life in a Zero Trust World

Welcome to the first in a five-part series focusing on information security in a hybrid IT world. Because I’ve spent the vast majority of my IT career as a contractor…