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Nick Buraglio

Nick has been involved in the networking industry in varying roles since 1997 and currently works on the network planning and architecture team for a major international research network. Prior to his current role, Nick was employed by the University of Illinois as the Lead Network Engineer working on research and HPC, campus, and wide area connectivity. In this role, Nick also functioned as the lead network engineer and IP architect for the National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors (NATOA) broadband project of the year, UC2B. Nick has also held network engineering positions at early regional broadband internet providers as well as at the National Center for Supercomputing Applications. Nick has participated in the SCinet working group on many occasions and has been involved in R&E, high performance networking and security for the last 15 years. In addition to network engineering positions, Nick has been involved in cybersecurity from the campus, enterprise, and service provider perspective, as well as the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and has been involved numerous software defined networking projects over the last 8 years.

Posts Featuring Nick Buraglio

Seeing the Big Picture: Give Me All of the Data

The collection of operational and and analytics information can be an addictive habit, especially in the case of an interesting and active network. However, this information can quickly and easily…

Cross-Referencing Alarms: Network Security Monitoring and Network Outage Notifications

As anyone that has run a network of any size has surely experienced, with one alert, there is typically (but not always) a deeper issue that may or may not…

Related Attributes: Syslog, Interface Error Statistics, and Possibly More

Data, data, data. You want all of the data, right? Of course you do. Collecting telemetry and logging data is easy. We all do it and we all use it…

Related Attributes: NetFlow and Interface Traffic Statistics

For many engineers, operators, and information security professionals, traffic flow information is a key element to performing both daily and long-term strategic tasks. This data usually takes the form of NetFlow version…

Viewing the Network as an Ecosystem

Many of us have or currently operate in a stovepipe or silo IT environment. For some, this may just be a way of professional life. But regardless of how the…