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Scott Driver

Scott is a 20-year IT infrastructure professional with a focus on virtualization and scripting. Based in Vermont, Scott has spent time running the gamut from small local firms to some of the largest international corporations. When time allows, he tries to give back to the community that has meant so much to him through his blog, involvement with VMUG and speaking about PowerShell and PowerCLI.

Posts Featuring Scott Driver

You Too Can Stink at Information Security!

“Security? We don’t need no stinking security!” I’ve actually heard a CTO utter words this effect. If you subscribe to a similar mindset, here are five ways you too can…

A POwerful SHortcut to Automating Operations

A few years back I was working at a SaaS provider when we had an internal hackathon. The guidelines were simple: As part of your project you had to learn…

Start Automating Your Career

In a recent episode of a popular tech podcast, I heard the hosts say, “If you can’t automate, you and your career are going to get left behind.” Some form…

Who’s the Boss? 5 Things to Ask Yourself Before Making the Leap Into Management

We talk a lot about professional development these days—how to develop your speaking or writing skills to make you a better practitioner. But what if you’ve reached a certain point…

Beyond IaaS, Cloud for the SMB, the Enterprise, and Beyond!

We come to you today with a late-breaking breaking postscript! When we last left our IT hero, they were asking themselves deep and probing questions like Will I Save Money…

I’m Still On-Premises, Is That OK?

Following up on Will I Save Money by Moving to the Cloud? This post is part two of taking an atypical look at the public cloud and why you may…

Will I Save Money by Moving to the Cloud?

This post is part one of two, taking an atypical look at the public cloud and why you may or may not want to leverage it. Did you know AWS…

It’s the Year of VDI! (Again) – A Costing Examination

If you attended a major conference or read any industry press over the last handful of years, you’d be excused for thinking everyone would be running on virtual desktop infrastructure…

Know Your IT Department Frenemies (aka Why Can’t We Be Friends?)

If you’re in tune with the various tech communities, you’ve probably noticed a big push for professional development in the technical ranks. I love the recognition that IT pros need…

The Most Important Skill You’re Not Hiring For

Anyone who’s hired for a technical team can understand this scenario. You’re hiring for “X” positions, so of course you receive “X” times infinity applications. Just because you’re looking for…