I started in the IT industry in networking. I had a negative experience in high school trying to learn computer programming*, so I was relieved route/switch had much less to…
Have you gotten the call/email/text yet? You know, the one where your mom tells you the printer is making a weird noise. Normally you’d reassure your mom it’s probably a…
We all know how important communication is. For it to be effective, it depends on factors including its presentation, the tone, details of the message, and even non-verbal cues like…
Let’s look at your phone for a second. Do you have the newest model? If not, you probably know someone who does or who’s waited in line overnight to get…
The DOD cloud strategy recognizes the department’s disjointed and siloed systems have negatively impacted the effectiveness of warfighters, decision makers and staff. According to the strategy, only cloud computing will…
Part of my job is to read tons of articles, research, and studies around “What’s happening out there” so our product messaging is consistent with the industry and we speak…
There’s a new loo. If you’re a gadget-head, you’ve probably seen more than a few of the bizarre inventions debuted at CES over the years, including the new smart toilets.…
In developed economies, people who don’t use information technology are rare. Organizations not utterly reliant on IT are virtually unheard of. Everything is an app, and apps are at the…
Many components of cloud and SaaS technology are incredibly useful, but the hairball of hybrid IT is anything but. And the cross-hairs of complexity are firmly centered in one place:…
Rockstars are a vital asset to any company. In the technology world, they’re often the subject matter experts coworkers turn to when they have questions about a product or service.…