Insights From the IT Trends Report 2024 — AI: Friend or Foe?

Artificial intelligence. It’s been on the lips of tech professionals and the…

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How to Explain Virtualization to Newbies

In the world of enterprise architecture, many parts of our daily conversations are taken for granted. We talk about virtualization, vMotion®, Storage vMotion, Replication, IOPS, and so very many other…

What If You Can’t Trace End-to-End?

A lot of monitoring systems have a goal of end-to-end tracing, from “click to disk” or something similar. This is usually implemented by adding some kind of tracing information to…

Monitoring: How and Why We Do It

Monitoring is a lot of work. A monitoring system is a service unto itself, and like other applications it needs care, feeding, configuration, databases, DBAs, patching, and maintenance. Though it…

Queueing Theory: Faster Trains Might Make London Underground Slower

Let’s take a look at a great real-world example that effectively illustrates how queuing theory can be unintuitive even in situations that seem simple. A recent BBC report reveals researchers’…

The Premise of Premises: All Clouds Are Not Created Equal

There’s a common misconception in the IT industry. This misconception stems from the premise that the premises of your infrastructure will either be more expensive or less expensive based on its…

A Look into the Pi-Shaped Expert Model

So you’ve started planning your career using a VCDX skillset. Continuing on that same train of thought, I want to walk you through an additional concept that might help you…

Mastering the Sort Buffer and sort_buffer_size

The sort buffer, which is controlled by the sort_buffer_size setting, is probably one of the most-discussed MySQL settings. Interestingly, in many cases it has a lot less potential to help…

Are You Getting Full Benefit of your IT Monitoring Tools?

I think we’ve all had that moment at 3:00 a.m. over the weekend when we wish our monitoring and management systems would just shut up. The UPS in rack 4’s…

Troubleshooting SQL Server, Part 1 : Do You Use These Shortcuts?

In the popular white paper entitled Troubleshooting SQL Server Wait Statistics, I take you through three scenarios in which a wait stats-only approach is insufficient or even harmful to detecting, diagnosing,…

Using VSAN to Maximize Database Performance

Earlier this year I had the opportunity to speak at VMWorld in San Francisco. The session title was Using Virtual SAN to Maximize Database Performance, and in that session I…