Today, we are thrilled to announce that Squadcast has officially joined the…
The SolarWinds team is solely focused on our customers and the industry we serve. Our top priority has been to take the steps necessary to ensure that our and our customers’…
On Saturday, December 12, our CEO was advised by an executive at FireEye of a security vulnerability in our Orion Software Platform which was the result of a very sophisticated…
Moving to the cloud and into hybrid environments—even in the past year—has created several changes, but what does this mean for IT pros? The evolution to modern applications has created…
Have you ever gotten a new appliance and tried to get it to function without looking at an instruction guide, only to find it is difficult to use or you…
IT asset management (ITAM) is one of the most crucial strategies for businesses to practice. If 2020 had you shuffling monitors and laptops all over the country, 2021 isn’t going…
Legacy applications used to be monolithic, often with the database, code, and web server on a single host. But modern apps are different—they use more microservices, containers, and serverless technologies.…
The answer to upleveling your career as an IT pro? Learn how to “people” better. Creating a beneficial environment for tech pros means being relatable and able to explain the…
Under the leadership of innovative CIOs—Chief Information Officers—the public sector is blazing new trails and focusing on things like digital transformation to provide constituents with the best services available in…
Traditional database and application monitoring used to mean talking about a single server, in a single data center, in a single location. Many monitoring tools were—and still are—built around this…
For many organizations, the circumstances of 2020 led to a review of on-premises infrastructure and opportunities to take a leap to the cloud. These decisions are not one-size-fits-all, and there…