
Tag: gestaltit

Monitoring Cloud from On-Prem

The use of cloud technology and services–especially public cloud–has become nearly ubiquitous. For example, it has made its way into even the most conservative organizations. Despite the fact that some…

Is Collaboration Something I Should be Thinking About?

Over the past few years, we have seen an ever-changing landscape when it comes to technology. When I first started in IT, my company decided on IBM for everything. Servers,…

Landing on a Secure File Sharing Solution

Back in October, I wrote about Shadow IT and how some users are turning to popular file sharing applications like Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive to get their work done…

Can I Deliver Value through Responsiveness and Efficiency?

I don’t know how many times in the past 15 years I have heard people say, “My computers running slow! I need an upgrade.” Everyone, even your colleagues in the…

DevOps Wrap-Up

Welcome to the final post in my series on DevOps. If you’ve been following along, you know the content generated several questions. In this post, I will consolidate those questions…

Is Compliance Something I Should Be Thinking About?

Over the past 12 months, I’ve heard the word “compliance” thrown around quite a bit. Only now does compliance depend on what department or industry you are in. From ISO…

The Only Source of Knowledge is Experience…

The title of this post is a quote that might be (or not be) from Albert Einstein. I first thought the title of the post would be something like: “why…

5 More Ways I Can Steal Your Data: Hire People Who Lack Empathy

In this last post of my 5 More Ways I Can Steal Your Data series, I focus on my belief that all data security comes down to empathy. Yes, that…

Non-IT File Sharing and HIPAA Implications

When I first considered writing this post about possible HIPAA violations, I could clearly imagine how non-IT compliant file sharing could cause issues with HIPAA compliance. It wasn’t until I…

5 More Ways I Can Steal Your Data: Ask the Security Guard to Help Me Carry it Out

In my recent post  5 More Ways I Can Steal Your Data – Work for You & Stop Working for You I started telling the story of a security guard…