About Us > Brandon Carroll

Brandon Carroll

First and foremost, Brandon Carroll is a Husband to his wonderful wife, a Dad (hopefully a good one)  to his awesome kids, and a lover of technology and how it enables us to achieve what was only dreamed of in years past.  He has been in the industry since the late 90s, specializing in network security and instructional design. With his experience in the industry, he is able to share his views and opinions, tips and tricks, with the networking community. He loves helping new ones learn about complex technologies, breaking it down into simple terms.  Brandon is passionate about technology and sharing what he knows with the networking community.

Posts Featuring Brandon Carroll

Landing on a Secure File Sharing Solution

Back in October, I wrote about Shadow IT and how some users are turning to popular file sharing applications like Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive to get their work done…

Non-IT File Sharing and HIPAA Implications

When I first considered writing this post about possible HIPAA violations, I could clearly imagine how non-IT compliant file sharing could cause issues with HIPAA compliance. It wasn’t until I…

Needle In a Hay Stack or Sword in a Straw Pile?

I’ve spent countless hours trying to find the perfect tool for the job. In fact, I’ve spent more hours searching at times than I have doing the work. You’ve probably…