IT Pro Day has always been about singing the praises of practitioners across the vast spectrum of tech specialties, from network engineers and systems administrators; to infosec analysts and developers;…
For IT pros, 2020 has been a challenging year. You’ve had to accomplish rapid digital transformation on the ground, deal with new security requirements, and support business process changes for…
2020 has been a trying but valuable year for IT. IT pros have had to do more with less, and the business has realized the value of IT in ways…
Last month we celebrated IT Pro Day, a holiday designed to recognize tech pros and the work they do. As everyone was challenged with navigating 2020’s evolving landscape, IT pros…
Every year, on the third Tuesday of September, we celebrate IT Pro Day – a day set aside to recognize all tech pros and the work they do. For some obvious reasons, this…
The year 2020 has been a rollercoaster. With nearly every aspect of our daily lives flipped on its head, it’s hard to think of a single thing that went as…
So, we’re all working from home these days. As I’m living close to our office in Berlin, I occasionally pop in just to see something else than my four walls,…
The IT community has left its indelible mark on me—the sum of my experiences has led me to where I am now. I’m constantly impressed by IT’s creativity and ingenuity.…
This year has been a real whirlwind, hasn’t it? On top of all the 2020 world craziness, I started a new job this year as a Head Geek at SolarWinds.…
2020 has been a challenging, yet outstanding year for IT professionals. “Unique” doesn’t begin to describe the pressures and urgency of the many projects they’re addressing while playing pivotal roles…