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Join Our Team! We're Hiring!

We’re Hiring!

VividCortex has several open positions, both technical and non-technical. All of these positions are fulltime, based in Charlottesville, VA or Montevideo, Uruguay. Our benefits include:

  • Fulltime salaried positions
  • Working with some of the coolest customers in the world
  • Flexible work environment, unlimited vacation and remote working opportunities
  • Competitive salaries
  • Option grants
  • Change to work on challenge startup challenges
  • Use technologies like Go, Angular, D3, MySQL, Kafka and more bleeding edge stuff
  • Full healthcare and dental coverage for US employees
  • Lunches, cellphone and a macbook

Charlottesville Office Manager & Startup Ninja

Ideally, the candidate is incredibly organized, knows how to get stuff done, a strong communicator, and wants to be part of a fast-growing startup. The candidate must possess immaculate writing skills and be self-directed when it comes to learning something new. The candidate should also have a passion for technology and enjoy working in an engineering culture.

Systems Programming

Our agents, backend systems, and infrastructure are all written in Go (it’s awesome). We are ramping up to handle a jaw-dropping amount of incoming data. Data storage involves MySQL and other technologies in a fault-tolerant, distributed environment.

Operations and System Administration

We’re hosted in Amazon AWS and looking for people who do developer and sysops types of work — writing some server software, setting up some machines, whipping up some Ansible code, and so on.

Front End Development

The web app is backed by a small amount of PHP and Symfony2, and fronted by Angular and D3.js, CSS (Less), and HTML5. There’s a lot of API interaction from JavaScript, and a complex single-page user interface with rich data visualization that’s key for making our customers rave about the experience, not just the technology. We need people who can work in Angular, D3, design, styling, and so forth.

**If you are interested in any of these positions, send a short intro and resume/github/linkedin to jobs AT ourdomain.com. **

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