DBA Personalities: DISC and Values Models
May 20, 2015 |
What personality characteristics do great DBAs share? What motivates them?
If you’re not sure why you should care, you’re probably not a hiring manager! Hiring and retaining highly skilled people is consistently listed as a top challenge for CIOs. CIOs strongly desire to predict whether someone’s a good fit for a particular role.
Enter the personality profile assessment. These are quantitative tools used by many companies to try to learn as much as possible about candidates during the recruiting process. I thought it would be interesting to know what drives DBAs, so I reached out to a number of great MySQL and PostgreSQL DBAs I know personally and asked them to fill out a pair of free online assessments.
These assessments rank behavioral tendencies in four dimensions, using the DISC model. They also rank motivators (values) in seven dimensions.
At this point I need to add a disclaimer that everything about this process is biased and unscientific. Everything from the selection of test subjects, to the interpretation of the results, is unscientific. Still, the results are interesting and I believe there are valuable lessons to be learned.
Let’s see what the results indicate.