Home > Chatbot Development: Why Chatbots Need Backstories

Chatbot Development: Why Chatbots Need Backstories

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Chatbot Development Is Key to Effective AI

Intelligence has long been the goal when it comes to machine learning, and developing effective and efficient tools to augment ITSM efforts through automation. But intelligence, as it turns out, isn’t everything. Even the most intelligent individual among a group of very smart humans struggles in his or her performance from time to time. And, when others are relying on our performance, their toleration of our struggles is largely dependent on how relatable we are to them as people. Well, as it turns out, the same can be said for an AI chatbot. A machine learning chatbot, no matter how effective and efficient, will also have its performance judged by users based on its relatability. This is especially true when chatbots struggle. Users have the tendency to be much more forgiving of performance issues when it comes to interacting with AI chatbots, if those chatbots are relatable. This is why chatbot development, including the utilization of chatbot backstories, is so crucial to the user’s perception of their performance. And user perception is key, especially when you’re combating institutional inertia.

The Exciting World of Chatbot Backstories

You may be wondering, what exactly, then, is a chatbot backstory? Much like the character development that good authors and writers do to ensure that video game characters, novel characters, and film characters have depth and are relatable to those of us engaging with them from the real world, machine learning chatbot developers understand that the experience of working with their finished products relies on relatability. They also understand that this kind of relatability can only be achieved through building AI chatbots with their own backstories. Effective chatbot development can often depend upon a complete profile of a chatbot’s personality – their individual traits, their values, the idiosyncrasies of their particular speech patterns, and the way in which they engage in dialogue. One way to accomplish effective chatbot development through personality is for developers to flesh out the character of their chatbots by coming up with a backstory for each.

Generating User Empathy through Chatbot Development

The benefits of using chatbot backstories to deepen the relatability of machine learning chatbots is immediately evident to anyone engaging with a fully developed AI chatbot. But the benefits extend beyond mere relatability just for relatability’s sake. Users are far more likely to forgive slow performance, inaccuracies in information, and even mistakes if the chatbot they are engaging with is relatable. Relatable AI-powered chatbots, because they have personalities (personalities that have been built through their backstory development), help users feel much more comfortable working with AI, even when they know that they are not engaging with a “real” person. The goal isn’t necessarily to trick users into believing that they aren’t engaging with AI, but to make the AI so personable, that users don’t care; in fact, they don’t even think about it.

Relatable Chatbots Are the Present and Future of ITSM

Achieving relatable, personable, and efficient and effective AI chatbots through chatbot development that centers the relatability of the chatbot on building a backstory and defining the AI’s personality is not simply a best practice. At this stage of the process, it is rapidly becoming the expectation in order to drive end user or employee satisfaction with AI, automation, and ITSM as a whole. As service delivery continues to evolve to meet growing employee expectations, it’s essential that organizations are equipped with the innovative technologies necessary to meet those expectations. For more information about AI, automation, and ITSM, please visit the Samanage blog.
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Joseph Brown
Joey Brown is a product manager in the SolarWinds ITSM business unit. He works on particular areas of product feature sets and functionality, testing new…
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