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Get Off the Sidelines With a Proactive Security Solution

The pace of cybersecurity is moving faster than ever, and IT pros have to stay ahead of the game if they hope to stay ahead of hackers. Unfortunately, many organizations don’t understand the risk of their data—or even know that they should. This, along with the high cost of many of the software tools designed to present and remediate this risk, has left proactive approaches to data protection on the sidelines for many companies. Fortunately, the expensive solutions to risk assessment are no longer the only players, and our eBook, Turning Data into a Game Changer, can help you understand how to bring a more proactive security approach to your company. In it, you’ll find tips for assessing data risk, remediating risk before the data is compromised, and showing the value of these preventative measures to your business.

Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

Strong network security starts with a strong IT team—and the right tools. When used together, SolarWinds® Risk Intelligence and SolarWinds Threat Monitor are a particularly powerful protection duo. These were designed to help improve your network security with intrusion detection, vulnerability scanning, and data security management—all at affordable prices in easy-to-use platforms.

Intelligent Assessment

The first step in reducing data risk is to assess that risk, which can be tough for even the most experienced IT shops. Risk Intelligence can help identify the types of data you have, where it’s hiding, and who can access it. This allows you to show data risk in financial terms, make faster and more informed decisions about it, and hopefully prevent breaches (and headaches) before they occur.

Vigilant Detection

It’s no secret that antivirus is no longer enough; a layered security approach is critical to protecting your company’s network, and sophisticated threat monitoring is a vital piece of that protection. With continuously updated threat intelligence, Threat Monitor was built to help keep you ahead of the curve—and cybercriminals—by using the latest knowledge to detect intrusions and attempts to breach data.

One-Two Combo

In tandem, these two programs help strengthen your network security; while Risk Intelligence was created to help you assess and address risk within your network, Threat Monitor was created to protect it. Combined, they help you identify risk and mitigate it proactively. Check out the eBook for more on how Risk Intelligence and Threat Monitor can help you protect your company’s network. Don’t just play the game—change it.
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Tim Brown
Tim Brown is at the front line of the most vexing challenge facing organizations today: IT security. Tim is currently the Chief Information Security Office…
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