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The vCommunity

We all want to be part of something special and have a common bond. It includes doing what’s best for you but also keeping others in mind to provide them the support they need to be successful in life, professionally and personally. Teams are defined by the sacrifices we make for each other in hopes of succeeding in a manner beneficial to everyone, while also providing an experience to lead to a positive and fruitful relationship for years to come. We’ve all been there. The feeling of hopelessness. No matter what you do or say, and regardless of your contributions, you feel neglected or underappreciated. It creates a feeling of emptiness, as if you don’t belong or you’re on the outside looking in. Regardless of your profession, we each have a set of standards, morals, and core values in place which we should adhere to. These neglected and underappreciated sentiments described how I felt in my career roughly two years ago. It was a constant feeling of always being at the bottom of the proverbial totem pole. A “take one step forward and two steps back” mentality. The approach of taking the high road felt like a dead end or being stuck in a roundabout where only left turns are permitted, like a NASCAR race, but considerably less fun. When I discovered the vCommunity, everything changed. There was light at the end of the tunnel. There was hope I never realized existed, and it changed my outlook on my professional career and helped guide me personally. The vCommunity shares the same values I preach, like unity, joint ownership, team, generosity, and most importantly, that kindness matters. You get what you put into it, and I can assure you it’s been a blessing in disguise I wish I had discovered years ago. The vCommunity includes individuals, groups, organizations, and everyday people located across the globe in areas you’d never imagine. But it doesn’t matter because we serve one purpose—to help one another as best as possible. A simple five-minute conversation has the potential to turn into something special for both parties. I’ve shared my experiences, and each has provided wonderful returns. Examples include tech advocacy programs like vExpert, Cisco Champion, Veeam Vanguard, and the Nutanix Technology Champions. I’ve had the pleasure to be introduced to wonderful people in the IT industry from across the globe thanks to my good friends at Tech Field Day and Gestalt IT. I’m now considered an independent influencer who has a passion for connecting people with technology through blogging. None of this would be possible without the aforementioned groups, and there’s no chance I’d consider myself a blogger without their support. There are additional methods to connect with fellow vCommunity members, and they don’t have to include any association with a group or program. How so, you ask? By simply using your voice and connecting with podcasters to share your stories and experiences. You’d be surprised how much of an influence this can be for someone. I’ve had the pleasure to join Datanauts, vGigacast, Virtual Speaking Podcast, Gestalt IT, and Technically Religious. Each has provided me with a platform to help others and the feedback has been tremendous. My biggest take is the influence it has had on others. I’m humbled to know I’ve had a positive effect on someone. Additionally, I recommend the following podcasts because they provide quality content with valuable information and resources. They include Cisco Champion Radio, The CTO Advisor, DiscoPosse Podcast, Nerd Journey Podcast, Nutanix Community Podcast, Packet Pushers Community Show, Real Job Talk, Tech Village Podcast, The VCDX Podcast, ExploreVM Podcast, Veeam Community Podcast, VMUG Professional Podcast, Virtual Design Master, and the VMware Communities Podcast. Let’s recap and discuss why I’ve taken the time to share this with you. I want you to grow, be empowered, and be successful. It’s my goal to help someone achieve these goals by providing any assistance possible. #GivingBack should a requirement because nobody can achieve success without assistance from someone. For me, Jorge Torres and William Lam led me down the path to this point, and I’ll always owe them for believing in me. I realize there are plenty of examples of giving back and I wish I could acknowledge every one of you, but you know who you are, and I thank you for it. The moral of the story is be happy, give back, and you’ll be rewarded for your contributions and dedication to the #vCommunity. Lead by example and others will follow. “For fate has a way of charting its own course, but before one surrenders to the hands of destiny, one might consider the power of the human spirit and the force that lies in one’s own free will.” Lost: The Final Chapter
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Al Rasheed
Al has been in IT for over 10 years and has worked in various roles, including help desk/support and staff/Windows desktop management specialist. Al currently…
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