Home > 10 Automated Service Desk Workflows We’re Thankful for in 2020

10 Automated Service Desk Workflows We’re Thankful for in 2020

Thanksgiving is just a couple days away for folks celebrating in the US, so what better time than now to share what we’re thankful for? Many of us are giving thanks for loved ones, health, a roof over our heads, and full bellies. We’re also paying homage to the unsung IT heroes and service providers in our organization who make our jobs easier—especially amid the unanticipated shift to remote work this year. The service desk has played an especially critical role this year in helping ensure our teams have stayed productive wherever they’re working. With a versatile service catalog, the service desk can automate a number of processes that we depend on daily. Here are 10 automated workflows across different departments that can help streamline services for an increasingly remote workforce.

Information Technology (IT)

1.     Cloud application access requests

The cloud allows for easier process building that streamlines user access requests—especially when users and service providers are working outside the office. For processes that require manager or budgetary approval, build it into a workflow that kicks off when a user submits a form. Quick and seamless access to the tools you need is definitely something to appreciate.

2.     Regular maintenance, backups, and upgrades

The service desk really puts the “giving” in Thanksgiving. IT pros have one less thing to remember with automated reminders for maintenance and backups. Plus, everyone in the organization regardless of location will receive the latest and greatest upgrades as soon as they’re available.

Human Resources (HR)

3.     Onboarding/offboarding

Onboarding and offboarding is still happening even though many businesses are remote. Built-in workflows in the service desk make these processes simple.  A step-by-step workflow can be created in the platform for each responsible party (e.g., front desk staff for required key cards, IT for laptops and headsets, HR for benefits, and payroll) to ensure the employee has everything they need for their first day or has tied up loose ends before they exit the company. And remember, just because we called it “step-by-step,” doesn’t mean each task needs to be completed sequentially. Build your onboarding and offboarding processes with concurrent tasks when appropriate, and watch delivery times improve!

4.     Time off/leave

Taking time off from work may not mean traveling to our favorite destinations this year, but now is just as important as ever to use PTO to help prevent burnout (a hot topic at this year’s THWACKcamp). Employees should have a straightforward process to request time off. After an employee submits to have their desired days off, automated approvals in the service desk are in place for easy confirmation by the manager.


5.     Site access

We understand that while many employees are working from home, there are others who aren’t or may be splitting time between home and the office. Many organizations have updated their office procedures because of the pandemic, which means more control over building access IDs, special instructional signage, time and people limits in conference rooms, and health check-ins, all of which can be recorded in the service desk for reference. For employees who need to come into the office, they can easily submit a request through the service desk, specifying when, why, and for how long they’ll need access. The request can then be routed to  their direct manager or site manager for approval.

6.     General maintenance

This may be the first year without the annual office Thanksgiving potluck, but employees still in the office deserve a clean and comfortable space to work in.
  • Door handles and other touch points need sanitizing? Fill out a service request.
  • Bathrooms need extra attention? There’s a request form for that.
  • Temperature in the room just a tad too warm? A nice breeze is just a few clicks away on the service request form.


7.     Payroll

With all of the hard work you’ve put in this year, it’s time for you to get rewarded. For every raise you receive, your manager can automate the process for updating employee compensation through the service catalog. Even when budgeting for the new year, department leaders and managers can easily locate relevant data in the service desk for planning purposes.


8.     Reviews and approvals

It can be easy to forget how many things go through your legal team. New hires, vendor contracts, published materials, and company announcements need an efficient process for legal edits and approvals. Similar to onboarding and offboarding processes, tasks should be automatically delegated to the right legal experts, ensuring those contracts and materials stay on track. That might mean including legal review on specific workflows and/or creating a designated catch-all form for legal approvals. Either way, the service catalog can ensure the right eyes and ears are protecting employees and the company.

Shared Services

9.     General office administration

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, sharing is caring—and yes this includes supplies and equipment available to employees working in the office. If any item runs out, it can quickly be replenished by submitting a service request form.


10. Content review

From web content to presentation design to social media support, marketing is a brand management hub for organizations. With a robust service catalog in place, marketing team members can seamlessly support all of the project and creative needs of the organization. If you haven’t done it already, take some time to express thanks to your service providers. Letting them know how much you appreciate all they do can go a long way in the times we’re all experiencing. Want to explore even more ways to automate services across the organization? This eBook outlines 150 examples of service requests that can be automated through the service desk.
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Jessicah Raynor
Jessicah Raynor is a Corporate Marketing Manager for SolarWinds, managing social media publishing and response, and driving business growth through brand awareness campaigns and social…
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