About Us > Michael Stump

Michael Stump

Mike has supported IT infrastructure and messaging services for 19 years for a variety of public and private sector enterprises. He has also held many titles during this time (Senior Systems Engineer, Infrastructure Architect, Security Engineer, Project Manager, Enterprise Architect, to name a few), but has always focused on providing high-availability solutions to meet or exceed client requirements. Mike excels in high-pressure, break-fix situations, and strives to provide the highest quality technical documentation for his projects.

Posts Featuring Michael Stump

Cloud Anxiety

When electric vehicles leapt out from the shadows and into the light of day, pundits and contrarians latched on to a perceived fatal flaw in their design: a limited range…

How to Slide Into Cloud

The most difficult step in any organization’s journey to the cloud is the first one: where do you start? You’ve watched the industry slowly adopt cloud computing over the last…

After the Great Cloud Debate, What’s Next?

This month, we’ve spent time discussing how cloud will affect traditional on-premises IT operations staff. Many IT pros have given feedback on how their organizations view cloud computing, whether it’s a…

IT Operations: How SecOps Saves the Day

Few messages strike fear in the hearts of IT operations staff like the dreaded scan results from your security team. These messages often appear in your inbox early on Monday…

IT Alerting Best Practices: Notification Routing for IT Ops

Every operations team has its fair share of monitoring solutions. While you may not have achieved the perfect state of a single pane of glass, you likely have settled on two…

IT Operations: Coping with Cloud

You’ll find no shortage of blog posts and thought pieces about how cloud computing has forever changed the IT landscape. The topic is usually addressed in an “adapt or die”…

Designing a Monitoring Solution: Where Are Your Eyes?

Contemporary monitoring solutions are no different from any other distributed application in your environment. Even a small-scale deployment can include multiple components: often, these include a Web server, an application server, and…

The Benefits of Integrating Monitoring with ITSM Solutions

When you evaluate a monitoring solution for your environment, consider the solution’s ability to integrate with other applications and services. Most notably, a monitoring solution should be able to integrate…

Operations vs. Engineering Tools

Whether your IT operation is a small-scale endeavor or a web-scale enterprise, systems monitoring plays a critical role in the delivery of your services. The ability to quickly and accurately…