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Doubling Down on Database Performance Management

How many applications do you use every day? On average, probably 20. Think about it—We use them to check email, to avoid traffic, to know if we need a coat,…

Attitude Adjustment: Accentuate the Positive

Experienced IT practitioners know applications and solutions—whether off-the-shelf, customized, or built from scratch—are rarely a perfect fit. Inevitably, something doesn’t work quite the way we want, scale to quite the…

The Endless Wonder of THWACKcamp

What I love most about working in technology is the continual discovery. It doesn’t matter the implied scale of the discovery because it’s all about the ripples from that discovery.…

You Were Built for This: Celebrating IT Pro Day 2020

The year 2020 has been a rollercoaster. With nearly every aspect of our daily lives flipped on its head, it’s hard to think of a single thing that went as…

Cross-Train Your Colleagues

Earlier this year, we held a virtual SolarWinds User Group™, or vSWUG, in which my colleague Kevin M. Sparenberg presented an interesting webinar, “Cross-Train Before It’s Too Late.” The idea…

Here’s to the IT Pro!

The IT community has left its indelible mark on me—the sum of my experiences has led me to where I am now. I’m constantly impressed by IT’s creativity and ingenuity.…

2020: The Year IT Pros Were Built For

The theme for IT Pro Day 2020 is “You Were Built for This” and, while we knew it could be relevant in almost any minute of any day of any…

Nominations for SolarWinds Inaugural IT Pro Day Awards Now Open

2020 has been a challenging, yet outstanding year for IT professionals. “Unique” doesn’t begin to describe the pressures and urgency of the many projects they’re addressing while playing pivotal roles…

Save the Date Because THWACKcamp Is Back

The IT Knowledge Fest—THWACKcamp—is back for another year of spectacular content in 2020. In this, the ninth year of THWACKcamp, you’ll join with thousands of other technology professionals from around…

Is This Real Life? An Unconventional Path to Head Geek

My Leslie Knope Moment Long-time listener, first time caller Liz Beavers here… Head Geek? It’s like when Leslie Knope won the election for Pawnee City Council. I’m pinching myself. Throughout…