- Does this application add value to the company?
- Does improving or speeding it up provide any value back to the company?
What Is Digital Transformation? And Why Do You Need a Strategy?
February 25, 2019

In this blog series, we’ve been looking at various methods of utilization with cloud infrastructure. While cloud adoption can be beneficial to almost any organisation, change for change’s sake can be costly and bad for business. Simply lifting and shifting applications from your on-premises server room or data center to the public cloud won’t give you the desired impact or experience that the cloud has the potential to deliver.
Companies are trying to figure out a way to adapt to today’s digital world. How can they change to find new customers, increase customer satisfaction, and gain repeat business? How can they improve overall efficiency, speed up time to market or time to deliver, and thereby grow profits? A move to cloud is usually part of a bigger plan to undergo digital transformation.
There are four key areas to digital transformation: Social, Mobile, Analytical, and Cloud, or SMAC for short. To understand how these four areas intersect, imagine having a website that can be accessed anytime, anywhere via a mobile device and can suggest other items to purchase based on the user’s history and people who bought the same item. This digital transformation will necessitate a large distinctive change for many businesses—a metamorphosis, if you will.
I’m not suggesting you curl up in a cocoon for two weeks and come out a fancy butterfly. However, I am suggesting that you take a strong look at the business processes and applications that you’re running now. How much time is spent on upkeep? How many people work with them? Is it a “house of cards” application stack? Like the DC where they had the caution tape in a 5-foot perimeter around two important racks, no one was allowed near them, for fear that their billing application could halt.
Two questions to ask yourself: