Home > Most Influential ITSM Thought Leaders to Follow in 2019

Most Influential ITSM Thought Leaders to Follow in 2019

ITSM Thought Leaders to Follow in 2019

ITSM Leaders and ITSM Experts You Should Follow in 2019

If you’re in the world of ITSM deep enough that you’re reading blog posts like this one, then you probably don’t need to be told that keeping up with everything that’s happening in ITSM and ESM can be very challenging. The IT service desk and available technologies evolve on a continual basis, as do best practices regarding ITSM and ESM. To keep up with what’s happening, to make sense of all the changes, and to stay current with or ahead of the curve in terms of best practices, it is only natural that we should rely on the opinion of experts in the field for a little IT thought leadership. But with everyone having an opinion to grind trying to tweet or blog his or her way into the expert’s chair, it can be challenging to know whose IT thought leadership you can actually trust. To help with that, we’ve put together a short list of some of the most influential ITSM leaders and ITSM experts of the past year that you should check out in 2019. Enjoy!

5 Drivers in IT Thought Leadership and What They’re Doing to Spark Innovation

There are a great many established thought leaders in the ITSM and ESM space, and they all contribute something of value to the ongoing conversation, but among them, a handful consistently makes predictions and recommendations that advance best practices in IT.
  • Stephen Mann
    • Stephen Mann is the principal analyst and content director of the ITSM-focused firm ITSM.tools. He also works independently as a content creator blogging, writing, and giving a presentation about ITSM and the ever-evolving roles of IT professionals.
  • Roy Atkinson
    • Roy Atkinson is a recognized expert in the field ITSM and a member of the HDI International Certification Standards Committee. He has been working in ITSM for more than two decades and he is a sought-after speaker and consultant.
  • Stuart Rance
    • Stuart Rance is the author of several books on various aspects of both information security and ITSM. His decades of publication and consultancy, as well as his authorship of several best practices in the field, have established him as a key thought leader in the ITSM space.
  • Charles T. Betz
    • Charles T. Betz is an established specialist regarding the transformation of traditional IT organizations into digital service organizations. He works as a Principal Analyst with Forrester, and is the author of several works on ITSM best practices. His most recent publication is Managing Digital: Concepts and Practices.
  • Julie Mohr
    • Julie Mohr is a well-established ITSM consultant, as well as an author, a sought-after speaker, and general expert in IT frameworks and digital transformation. She is the author of The Help Desk Audit: Blueprint for Success.

ESM and the Spread of IT Thought Leadership

As the consumerization of technology, the digitization of the workplace, and enterprise service management continue to drive ITSM best practices into hitherto unexplored territory across organizations, the need for real IT thought leadership will continue to become more pronounced, both within organizations and among the rank and file in the space. Watch for up-and-comers like ITSMNinja and others to continue to advance the conversation along with the ITSM experts listed above. Learn more about IT Service Management and Employee Service Management on the Samanage blog. Measuring ROI of ITSM White Paper hbspt.cta.load(41925, 'ffc37b75-7f99-408d-9647-d20feb4843f9', {});
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Anne Badalamenti
As the Manager, Marketing at SolarWinds, Anne helps showcase the value of a unified service management strategy and the benefits it can provide to your…
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