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2020 Predictions: APM's Year

As a new year approaches, we start to reflect on the year we’re leaving behind. While 2019 was the stepping stone for many technologies and changes in the industry from an APM perspective, 2020 will be the year APM takes center stage. And we can’t wait for it to start. Here’s the proof:

Logs: Key Aspects of APM

APM is a puzzle made up of user experience, metrics, traces, and logs—and each piece must be incorporated to achieve full-stack visibility and ultimately seamless app performance. However, a “healthy” application is not characterized solely by top performance, but also availability—making a log management solution that monitors availability, enables proactivity, and reacts quickly to remediate problems, key. In 2020, implementing solutions that achieve integrated application performance and availability management for any type of organization, including those operating on-premises and/or cloud-based applications across all mixes of cloud environments, will become increasingly important and prioritized.

Universal Adoption of APM Tools

As environments become more dynamic and complex, the opportunity for applications to break increases—creating the need for robust monitoring tools. In 2020, as buyers see the benefit of leveraging APM tools on a regular basis rather than only in critical moments, the market will adjust accordingly. We can expect easier-to-implement solutions that are more highly valuable and affordable. The paradigm that APM tools have to be expensive will be broken once and for all. The excitement of receiving a new year becomes greater when we get to expand on our favorite technologies and solutions. We can’t wait to see what the future holds. From our standpoint,  it’s going to be a great year for APM.
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Dave Wagner
Dave Wagner is a senior manager of product marketing at SolarWinds with over 20 years of experience focused on IT performance and optimization. In his…
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