Home > SolarWinds Certified as a “Great Place to Work” in the U.S. and Ireland!  

SolarWinds Certified as a “Great Place to Work” in the U.S. and Ireland!  

We’re thrilled to announce our certification as a Great Place to Work by Great Place to Work in the U.S. and Ireland! SolarWinds has always been a great place to work, but when Sudhakar Ramakrishna joined as president and chief executive officer in 2021, he dove into our People Success initiatives and worked hard to develop a strategy to support our employees in their professional and personal growth. With this clear vision, our CARE values were created. CARE stands for Collaborative, Accountable, Ready, and Empathetic. What all four of these have in common is a dedication to doing the best we can for all, whether at work or in the community.
“I love this company for many reasons, but my top reasons are the amazing benefits, community, and the people I work with. SolarWinds continually tries to make it a better place to work as well as appreciating what you do. I can't say enough about this company! I so appreciate everything about SolarWinds. Leadership really listens to what you have to say.”—Employee comment
With leadership spearheading a culture shift within SolarWinds, we’ve also launched Inclusion and Belonging groups, and we focus on sustainability and giving, support employee well-being and wellness, and encourage growth and development. Though care and support for employees have always been present, the company culture Sudhakar has created puts these value front and center. As a result, employees are reporting they’re healthy, happy, and thriving—despite the stress and difficulties we’ve faced as we come out of the pandemic.

Our People Success Team Is Dedicated to Solarians

Since joining the People Success team in 2021, I’ve met so many talented and wonderful people. One of my favorite parts about talent branding is prioritizing the candidate or employee by putting yourself in their shoes and working to enhance their experience in alignment with our people-first culture. SolarWinds and its leadership CARE about Solarians’ growth and career development. Leading the People Success team is Joyeta Samanta, who continues to ensure these values are prominent in everything we do. The team is comprised of six sub-teams across the Talent Acquisition, Culture and Engagement, Growth, Total Rewards, and People Programs and Operations teams. Collectively, it’s our People Success team’s mission to attract, onboard, engage, nurture, and retain Solarians and make SolarWinds a desirable place to work. In efforts to serve this mission, the People Success team has worked to accelerate our talent acquisition strategy, drive holistic total rewards offerings to nurture and retain Solarians, enhance management and leadership development, and provide a market-competitive Solarian onboarding experience.
“The Great Place to Work Certification is a testament to our ongoing commitment to our employees, ensuring continuous enhancements to Solarian Life and providing an environment for fulfilling careers with meaningful work and appreciation! It truly makes me proud and is humbling to hear the same from our employees as we continue to positively energize our internal and external communities.”—Joyeta Samanta
As a team, People Success fosters a sense of community for our Solarians by proliferating our CARE values and promoting contextual communications to improve awareness, alignment, action, and engagement. We’re so happy our efforts are felt and appreciated by our fellow Solarians.

82% of Solarians Feel SolarWinds Is a Great Place to Work

Based on the Great Place to Work survey results, 88% of Solarians feel they can be themselves at work. This is an element of our culture we’ve been working to support further. With the advent of our Inclusion and Belonging groups, SolarWinds is supporting employees across all races and genders, creating a workplace where employees can be their authentic selves. We believe our success in this effort is further validated, as 90% of Solarians feel people care about each other at the company.
“The people with whom I work are the #1 reason I stay here. Our team is supportive; we work to help each other AND the team succeeds in making meaningful contributions to SolarWinds. I recently made a big mistake, owned up to it, and apologized. My managers reached out immediately with reassurance. How colleagues treat you when you are beating yourself up is just one example of the consideration and caring attitude displayed ALL the time.”—Employee comment
Perhaps one of the best stats from the survey is 85% of Solarians feel proud to tell others they work at SolarWinds. Though this may not seem like an important one, the fact is people share things they like and believe in with friends and family. Learning 85% of our employees are proud to share SolarWinds means employees are proud of their workplace and don’t feel the need to hide where they work. Our CARE values drive professional and community engagement aligned with our values, and it’s thrilling to see our employees truly feel we embody them.

Solarians Have Implicit Trust in the Leadership at SolarWinds

When Sudhakar took the reins at SolarWinds, he made a point of instilling within the leadership open communication and a supportive atmosphere. The trust developed over the last couple of years is evident in our employee comments and in the survey results.
“The amount of support that you have at all times and the actual physical workplace (it truly is an AMAZING building). I've never ever worked at a place where I felt valued by my team and higher-ups. It's really nice to be called out by name and know who and what your CEO looks like as well as given opportunities to ask him questions monthly. Such a unique opportunity I haven't known anywhere else.”—Employee comment
Based on the Great Place to Work survey results, 87% of Solarians feel management is approachable and easy to talk with, and 83% feel management trusts people to do a good job without watching over their shoulders.
“I have never worked for a company that actually practiced the policies they preach more than SolarWinds. They truly do put people first, and the culture is extremely positive, collaborative, helpful, fair, and supportive overall. The executive team in particular is present, available, empathetic, patient, kind, and clearly communicates their values and vision. I don't see people held back by their role—engagement is accepted and encouraged at every level.”—Employee comment

SolarWinds Is Proud to Be a Great Place to Work

Our company purpose is to enrich the lives of the people we serve, including our employees. Sudhakar recognizes the importance of large organizations nurturing their employees’ voices and perspectives. We’re proud to embrace our CARE values through our people-first culture and even prouder our employees are feeling respected, appreciated, and at home within the SolarWinds team. With this Great Place to Work recognition, we know we’re on the right path to providing Solarians the type of environment and benefits they need to thrive! The People Success team intends to pursue certification as a Great Place to Work in all our major locations and is planning to host the survey in India, Israel, and the Philippines next. We want to continue to instill a sense of pride in Solarians to work for a certified Great Place to Work company.
Alexandra Vincent
Alexandra Vincent
Alex Vincent is the Talent Branding and University Relations Program Manager and joined SolarWinds in 2021 to strengthen our employer brand and develop our global…
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