
Latest Posts in Networks

You Can Only Fix What You Measure (So Measure What You Want to Fix)

Recently, my colleagues Pete Di Stefano, Ashley Adams, and I hosted a webcast on the topic of capacity planning and optimization. You can listen/watch it here, it was a really fun conversation.…

Building a Network Architecture to Support the Next Phase of Remote Work

The global pandemic continues to fluctuate, but the reliance on IT services and teams to support service continuity in the public sector remains steady. To ensure network operations continue running…

Finding Zen in the Tedium

As often happens, I was recently talking about my son and his attitude regarding chores. Doing the thing parents do, commiserating and getting advice from another parent who’s been through…


Imposter syndrome is, unfortunately, an evergreen topic within IT circles. For whatever reason, many of us who make our living in technology—who put in long hours acquiring and then honing…

You Have to EARN the Gorilla Suit

There’s an old joke that goes something like this: back in the days of vaudeville, comedy acts were all the rage. This young guy wants to get into the business,…

No Experience Left Behind

While Leon beat me to it, I was inspired by this Twitter post by @Gabsmashh to write a more involved post about what I learned from past work experience that…

A Cautionary Toy… I Mean Tale

To say the landscape of my desk is “eclectic” would be both accurate and, in some ways, an understatement. Perhaps it’s a method of accommodating my attention-deficit behaviors (the four…

IT Operations Management (ITOM) and Automation: What IT Pros Need to Know

IT pros lose precious time every day battling menial IT operations management (ITOM) tasks. ITOM covers the things needed to support the network infrastructure delivering IT services. This includes hardware…

Everything I Needed to Know About IT I Learned From WandaVision

*SPOLER ALERT* If it wasn’t clear from the title, there will be spoilers for WandaVision throughout this article. If you’ve yet to watch it, go ahead and come back to…

The American Rescue Plan Helps With Federal IT Modernization. Where Should Agencies Start?

Last summer, federal agencies responded to a request from Sen. Maggie Hassan (D-N.H.) for insights into their IT modernization strategies and how Congress can help in the form of funding.…