
Latest Posts in Networks

Nothing is Ever Wasted (part 2)

Last week shared some of my early experiences working in non-technical jobs, and the lessons I learned which turned out to be relevant to my IT career as well. If…

Nothing is Ever Wasted (part 1)

A couple of weeks ago, Kevin Kline (@kekline) and I reminisced about activities from our youth (I’m talking about public speaking and sports, not “getting up from a chair without…

IT Monitoring: Managing Up — SolarWinds TechPod 042

Hang around with IT folks for anything longer than your typical stand-up meeting and you’re likely to hear some variation of “Managers! Am I right?” Snark aside, as folks who design,…

7 Strategies to Contain Network Costs (Layer 6 Will Amaze You)

First, thanks for indulging the clickbait title joke. Serialization is the unsung hero of harmonizing network and application relations and deserves the occasional, snarky callout. Moreover, identifying how the unique…

Self-Care Tips for IT Pros: Invest in Sleep (And a Good Chair)

As an IT pro, you are your most valuable asset. Obviously, if you aren’t taking care of yourself, how can you be expected to perform with typical sustained, easy awesomeness?…

Give Monitoring a Shot

If you hang out around a particular segment of the SolarWinds® crowd, you’re likely to hear the story of how monitoring helped one former Head Geek™ score front row tickets…

Un-Excuse-ing Upgrades

When we talk about upgrades here at SolarWinds, we spend a lot of time discussing the beneficial features, performance, and capabilities you can gain. That’s not by accident. The honest-to-goodness…

The Case for Cost Containment With Professional Services and Staff Augmentation

At the start of our enterprise cost containment series, Leon examined what cost containment is and why IT pros should care. Basically, you should care how your projects and work…

Gamify Work: How to Apply Gaming Skills to Your Day Job (Part 2)

In my last Gamify Work post, I brought up the idea that you can translate skills from gaming to tech. All roles can benefit from the skills you use in…

A Conversation With Robert Metcalfe (Part 2) — SolarWinds TechPod 041

What drives technology innovation?  In the second part of our conversation with Dr. Robert Metcalfe, the co-founder of Ethernet and internet pioneer explains the relationship between innovation and freedom/prosperity, the importance of…