Public Sector

Latest Posts in Public Sector

Taking an API-First Approach to Network Management

Application programming interfaces (APIs) allow applications to communicate, interoperate, and share information with one another. APIs have been mainstays at companies like Google, Salesforce, and other smaller but innovative organizations…

How Emerging Technologies Influence State Government Staffing Needs

Emerging technologies impact many areas of an organization, but their impact on staffing is often overlooked. It would be ideal for public sector organizations, and state governments, in particular, to…

How to Futureproof IT Environments Without Going Into Technical Debt

Federal IT pros are experts at using quick fixes to keep costs down and save time, often because there’s no other option. They essentially leap from crisis to crisis instead…

How Digital Transformation Is Changing the Role of the Government CIO

Under the leadership of innovative CIOs—Chief Information Officers—the public sector is blazing new trails and focusing on things like digital transformation to provide constituents with the best services available in…

The Importance of Hardware Health Monitoring

A networking problem can come from almost any fault within the infrastructure, whether it’s a bandwidth bottleneck, configuration issues, or a faulty networking component. But more than half of IT…

Monitoring 101: The Fundamental Concepts of System Monitoring

The answer to troubleshooting network challenges lies in effectively monitoring your environment. But saying “let’s monitor our network” presumes you know what you should be looking for, how to find…

Five Steps to Developing an Application Modernization Strategy

Supporting legacy applications is problematic for several reasons. These aging systems are becoming increasingly obsolete and difficult to maintain. They use outdated software languages and unsupported hardware parts—some as much…

How to Monitor, Manage, and Secure Active Directory

Microsoft Active Directory (AD) is the nerve center enabling your federal agency to access the systems and applications staff members need to do their jobs. AD is also a high-risk…

Don’t Let Cyberattacks Derail Your Digital Transformation Journey

Many organizations across the U.K. are tackling the three main factors behind digital transformation: cloud technology, IoT, and employee mobility. However, one downside to increased digitization is how this opens…

Three Ways Agencies Can Improve Cloud Security and Performance

The Federal Cloud Computing Strategy (FCCS) makes it clear government agencies have significant responsibilities for protecting cloud-hosted data. The FCCS states the need for agencies to develop their own governance…