Insights From the IT Trends Report 2024 — AI: Friend or Foe?

Artificial intelligence. It’s been on the lips of tech professionals and the…

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Analysis of PayPal’s Node-vs-Java benchmarks

I was interested in the data shown in PayPal’s blog post on switching from Java to Node.js, for two reasons. First, at a glance both sets of benchmark data looked…

Changing Default Database File Locations in SQL Server

When you create a database in SQL Server and do not specify a file location for your data and log files, SQL Server will rely on the default locations as…

How to write Go packages coders will love

This post was featured in our July 2015 anthology of most popular SolarWinds Database Performance Monitor (DPM) blog posts of all time. One of the patterns I’ve found in the…

5 Things You Didn’t Know About SQL Agent

Microsoft SQL Server comes with a boatload of additional components. One component is the SQL Agent. The purpose of the SQL Agent is to serve as a job scheduler. Many…

What Happens if I Shrink a Database in Windows Azure?

At some point in your career as a data professional, you are going to fill up an entire drive with data. It is not a question of “if,” but a…

Providing Exceptional Customer Service to Exceptional Customers

What is “exceptional” customer service? It’s difficult to define, but you know when you have received it. It is an experience in which a service representative helped change a stressful…

Big-O Notation Made Simple

If you’re a programmer or computer scientist, you’re probably familiar with Big-O notation. It’s part of your foundational understanding of how complex a problem and/or algorithm is. But most explanations…

Improve SQL Server Performance by Looking at Plan Cache (Part 3)

You can use the information in the SQL Server plan cache to research performance issues and investigate opportunities for performance improvement. In this three-part article series, we’ve examined several important…

Improve SQL Server Performance by Looking at Plan Cache (Part 2)

The SQL Server plan cache can be a good tool to use in identifying current performance issues and in looking for new ways to improve performance. In this second part…

Improve SQL Server Performance by Looking at Plan Cache (Part 1)

The SQL Server plan cache stores details on statements that are executed over time. Each time a statement executes, SQL Server will look inside the plan cache first to see…