
Tag: ai

3 Ways AI Is Changing Social Media

Social media has become a mainstream part of our lives. Day in and day out, most of us are using social media to do micro-blogging, interact with family, share photos,…

How Does AI Benefit the Tech World?

For some, artificial intelligence (AI) can be a scary technology. There are so many articles on the web about how AI will end up replacing X% of IT jobs by…

Warning! A Robot Will Do Your Job Soon

Everyone take a deep breath and calm down. The likeliness of a robot taking over your job any time soon is very low. Yes, artificial intelligence (AI) is a growing…

Survey: IT Pros Weigh In On How Technology Is Impacting Employees

Everyone’s talking about artificial intelligence, bots, and digital transformation, but what do IT pros in the trenches actually think when it comes to the trends and technologies that are likely…

How to Reduce an Influx of IT Support Tickets or Messages

If you’re experiencing heavy workloads, an influx of tickets, and a shortage of service desk agents, you’re not alone. According to a recent SDI report, over 35% of service desks…

Machine Artificial Intelligence Learning, or You’ve Got MAIL

Welcome to the last in this series of posts about machine learning, artificial intelligence, and so many other topical points of discussion. If this is your first time here, feel…

Can Tesla Cure the 10th Leading Cause of Death in the World With Autonomous Vehicles?

Are you excited for this post? I certainly know I am! If this is the first article you’re seeing of mine and you haven’t read my prior article, “Why Businesses…

Why Businesses Don’t Want Machine Learning or Artificial Intelligence

Did you come here hoping to read a summary of the past 5+ years of my research on self-driving, autonomous vehicles, Tesla, and TNC businesses? Well, you’re in luck… that’s…

After the Great Cloud Debate, What’s Next?

This month, we’ve spent time discussing how cloud will affect traditional on-premises IT operations staff. Many IT pros have given feedback on how their organizations view cloud computing, whether it’s a…

To Infinity and Beyond!

I’ve covered a lot in this series of posts around artificial intelligence (machine learning); from the beginning (Not Another AI Post…) to why I love it (My Affection for AI)…